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Wednesday Weigh-In, Almost 3 Months Down...

>> 3.30.2013

In my ideal world, the one I think I like to live in more than not, I am 195 lbs by now.  In my ACTUAL world, I am down 1.6 lbs from last week-- and a whopping 4.6 since I started in January.  My inconsistencies have wreaked havoc on my "plan" and I'm tempted to give up.  Then I went dress shopping last night...and it all floods back REAL easily as to why this is so important.  Not only to look better, the sagging weight of post birth 4 times over and inconsistent healthy eating habits is abundantly obvious, and the lack of energy has returned.  Though I am exercising more often than Oct-Dec, and kicked my Mt. Dew addiction (once again), I've started to crave salt-- something I've never cared for in my life. 

Now sits in my hands, 4 hours old, a brand new copy of Trim Healthy Mama.  A 607 page book written by two sisters-- two sisters who hold 13 children between them, stay at home, and home school.  These ladies are accessible to me!  The biggest appeal is the great reviews this book has gotten by the way it has helped countless mothers just like me to be naturally and healthfully lose weight and bring light back into their married, motherhood demand-filled lives.  If you look for them on FB you'll see great comments about what the information they've shared is doing in normal people's lives.  I'm not looking for a lucky ticket-- but I am looking for some shoulder to shoulder help inside my kitchen as I navigate the stormy waters called "healthy eating".  Well, I guess I'm also looking for less "storm" in that kitchen of mind-- and more peace in my mental faculties as I work to find food that can nourish and bless my whole family. 

I've been encouraged to just "not eat like my family does, to prep separate foods for myself and by my example they may or may not want to follow"...but that doesn't sit well with my soul.  I know I shouldn't find peace and comfort IN food itself...but being able to prepare meals my whole family can enjoy, talk around, learn from, etc. does something to inspire my soul.  That is the type of home I want to model for my kids-- not always being in angst about what's coming in or going out of the kitchen! (Which is what it has been for the past 2 years.)  I'm anxious to put into practice what I'll be learning and hoping to report back soon about the benefits I'm seeing as a result of what I'm learning.

So, here's to the next THREE months!  May they bring more visible results and energy into my life-- and wherever you are in yours, may the next 3 months bring the same to you!


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