Mama's Mission
>> 7.03.2011
Only recently have I really discovered this crazy world of blogging. I still waver in my belief of if what I do on here really matters, but as in one such blog ( Mama Jenn's ), I was reminded of one benefit of blogging- whether or not it makes a difference to the world. I thought I'd take my stab at it. And here it is: accountability. Every month, (or so shall we see), I'll post my mission for the month and then at the end of the month come back and check in to see how I have done. Others are welcome to join in (I think they refer to that as "linking in" or something like that! =) and I'd love to hear how you are all doing so as to encourage one another.
But this is my month's goal: to move and set up house/school with all the prep. for beginning montessori-type activities with my littlest, all the while beginning school (August 1st! BTGOG-- by the grace of God) with my older four. Setting up house seems kinda small...but it's the getting ready for the montessori activities that is the bigger, more lofty goal. We'll see how we do!
(Now to learn how to "grab a button," as "they" say...)

Well...I left that part on there just to prove I DIDN'T learn how to grab a button yet...but time has run out, I'll have to try again tomorrow!
UPDATE: IT DID WORK!!!!! What new tricks...
Enjoy the night!
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