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"Consider How The Lillies Grow" (Part 1)

>> 6.27.2011

Luke 12:27-28 “Consider how the lilies grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field…how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!”

Consider: To think about seriously, to believe after deliberation, to look at thoughtfully.

What a road life has been these last few weeks!  When I last left you, I was in a hotel room with my family as my husband candidate for an associate pastor position.  Well, he was offered the job, we accepted with much eagerness, and now we’re in full swing of packing and getting all the details in order to move a family of six!  Quite the project, really.  But in the hustle and bustle we’ve been reading a book to our children from the wonderful ministry Lamplighter, called Challenge at Runaway Brooke.  Here is the exchange that took place between two characters that made this verse stick with me for the past several weeks.

“[Luke 12:27] is such a pretty verse,” said Sarah. “What made you think of it?”
“I do not know,” said Rosa, “unless it was working at the flowers.  I often think of it when I have flowers.  I like to remember that Christ used to notice and admire them when He walked in the fields.”
“Do you suppose he really did?” asked Kitty.
“Certainly,” said Rosa, “for he says so, and I believe every word He tells me.”

"And I believe every word He tells me"…do I?  Do you?  This interchange between two young girls in the story struck me in several ways.  First, to imagine Christ walking along talking with the disciples.  He had at first mentioned a raven and then the lilies—do you think that perhaps those were animals and flowers that He and His disciples were passing by?  It only makes sense…or perhaps our word “lilly” was used in place of a different kind of flower better known in that region of the world. (I didn’t take time to look that part up!)  But it really makes no difference here, for we can picture Christ enjoying creation.  Even in these early summertime days, I have not taken time to truly consider His creation.  Have you?

Second, Christ’s words are really quite powerful if we believe that every word He says is true ; that “not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”  AND then the next part, “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field…how much more will he clothe you…?”  Is there something that you need right now?  I know there are many wants, but is there something that you truly need?  Maybe it’s not a material item, maybe it’s healing or comfort, maybe it’s rest and spiritual rejuvenation.  Whatever it is that you are lacking, do you believe Jesus Christ can provide that sufficiently for today?  I know I have used these words from Scripture and from this story to remind myself probably 10 times JUST TODAY that Christ is sufficient for ALL my needs, today.  (And He will be tomorrow, too, even if I have to remind myself 11, 12, or 20 times!)  Reminds me of a popular chorus from a few years back.

All of You, is more than enough for all of me,
for every thirst and every need.
You satisfy me with Your love,
And all I have in You is more than enough.

(Enough, words and music by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio)

I DO believe every word God says is true and therefore when I am tempted to worry instead of trusting in Him to supply my need, I need to confess that and turn and depend on Him.  That's the way He designed it to work!  And He promises to supply our need -- in HIS time (the PERFECT time, EVERY time.)
May God's hand of comfort and peace be with you today!


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