A Passion Worth Sharing
>> 1.25.2012
For years, well-- ever since I can remember really -- I've always felt a strong desire to do something with / for / about, etc. children with no families. When I was little, I pictured only dark-skinned orphans because in my little, unknowing mind, all orphans had beautiful brown skin. Today, I know "orphans" are neither all children nor do they all have "beautiful brown skin." Some orphans are young, some are older, some live in countries far away, and some-- well, some live in our very own neighborhoods. I have four dearly loved children that I have birthed and much to the dismay of many I know, my husband and I (who also shared the "tug" towards something having to do with orphan care when we met and dated) still have that desire. We don't know what it will lead to and we don't feel that we will be adopting tomorrow (so those of you who might be a bit breathless right now can breath easy=), but we do know several things that remain true of those who follow after Christ.
As true children of God:
1) We are ALL adopted-- adopted into God's family ( Romans 8:14-15)
2) We are ALL responsible to love others and demonstrate this love ( I John 4:11 ) and that will most likely be in some way that is an "inconvenience" to our personal life (I John 3:16).
3) We are ALL called to "do good, seek justice, correct oppression, defend the fatherless, plead for the widows" (Isaiah 1:17)
If you haven't ever considered the cause of the orphaned, I plead with you to take to heart these Scriptures from above (and there are many, many others). Perhaps the following list of ideas and websites (which is just quick and small due to my own time tonight) will help spur you on to seeking out how God might want YOU to get involved.
1) Pray. If you haven't a concern for the fatherless and oppressed, seek the Lord and He will give you a concern for them; He wants you to care about the things He cares about-- and He deeply cares about injustice and those with out hope.
2) Read up! Search up! (That's not a word, I know! That's why I love blogging so much-- really, grammar...English rules...who needs those, right?! I'm only kidding, Sis!;)
3) ACT!!!! Do whatever it is that the Lord then leads you do to.
Orphan Care:
I Care About Orphans -- Branch of Focus on the Family that deals specifically with orphan care.
Show Hope -- Organization founded by Christian music singer Steven Curtis Chapman helps teach about orphans & gives support to adoptive families.
Human Trafficking:
International Justice Mission -- Organization of attorneys and other legal professionals dedicated to rescuing victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery and oppression.
Not For Sale -- Organization dedicated to ending modern slavery
Aware to Care -- Blog dedicated to human trafficking education. Written by another woman who is just doing her part to help end slavery and bring justice as the Lord requires.
Know Your (State's) Number: -- Visit your state and local government agency pages to find out more information about foster care and those awaiting adoption in your state. I'll make it even easier for you, just click here to find out more! (Please note, there are NO STATES in which the number of children available for adoption exceeds the number of churches in these states. If only ONE FAMILY per church were to STEP OUT IN FAITH and adopt from within their own state, we could wipe out our country's foster care system! Wouldn't that be AMAZING!?! What could our countrymen say about the family of God then??)