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Wednesday Weigh-In, Regrouping=)

>> 3.13.2013

Well, there's been a bit o time that has past since last we met-- only to be honest, I didn't think I was really meeting anyone so...I sort of didn't keep my appointment!  Then I found out I WAS being met...so, I thought I'd show up today!

Last week I honestly didn't weigh myself.  We had company and my scale was in the other bathroom unavailable for the time being...until I remembered AFTER LUNCH and, at that point, I was NOT going to weigh myself! No, no, no.

Today's weight: 209.6 (hmmm...)
"Ran": 2 miles in 26.30 minutes (my best time yet, but I realize that's not really running for many of you:)

The Journey--
I've found SPELT-- and it loves me and I love it.  Thus far I've made soft pretzels and bread with it for those days when I've needed something to go with my Chicken and broth (lol, no noodles since I haven't made spelt noodles yet!) or a little something more than a chocolate bar - ha. Spelt can be substituted 1 for 1 with flour only if it's a recipe with liquid you'll probably need to slightly lessen liquid or add a little more spelt flour.  That said, unless you intend to grind your own spelt "berries" (yes, they are called berries in whole form) then I suggest only using spelt if you have digestive issues or a very large bank account.  One 5 lb bag cost me $13.99!!!
I also love sugar.  Too much sugar.  In fact, without realizing it, the weeks I lost consistently and fairly easily I had no sugar (and, no gluten, of course) and the weeks I haven't lost any weight (i.e. the ENTIRE month of February!) I added that sugar back in (and only small amounts of gluten-- like that show up in spelt bread.)  This, I've realized, is a complete addiction that has got to go for permanent.  Who can live all shot up with sugar?!?  I also gradually went back to my Mt. Dew for 2 weeks and though I almost can hear some of you laughing now, it is my vice.  And I hate it.  I have not had any since Sunday now and am closing in on my constant sugar high.  I WANT to say I will not have any today...but I already had one of my oatmeal yummies and hot chocolate while enjoying a wonderful morning with just my littlest.  I need accountability!  Any takers?!?!

So, there you have it.  It's where I am.  I am always learning lots...but always falling down.  I guess the most encouraging verse for me today is:

 Proverbs 24:16a, "The godly may trip seven times, 
but they will get up again..."

Join the conversation!  Let me know how YOU are doing on your own journey!  (And then I can meet you here again next week!=)


Jenn Avey,  March 13, 2013 at 12:47 PM  

I'm right there with you with the sugar. Bottom line: if I want a stable, healthy month, I can't have sugar! But what do I crave ALL of the time? Yes, the cycle continues :) I will be watching to see what sugar subs you can find.

~ Kristen J. ~ April 23, 2013 at 4:08 PM  

Jenn, I've started using Stevia and it's alright. I was getting headaches at first, but I'm beginning to think those were like "die off" headaches, lol. This week I've eaten things with Stevia and not had the same response. In my little reading agave, maple, honey, etc. still all cause your blood sugar to spike and then this is where insulin has to work overtime, etc. so using Truvia or stevia maintain constant blood sugar levels and are calorie free thus "seeming" to be better for you.

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