Christmas Gift Idea #1 (AND a GIVEAWAY for it!)
>> 11.04.2011
Beads to Bless, a not-for-profit small business that assists women and children around the globe by supporting free trade products (operated by my mother, no less!=), has come up with the great idea for Christmas tree ornaments. This very unique glass ornament is truly one-of-a-kind. Handmade, each ornament displays 27 large orange beads and various smaller ones. ORANGE is used because it is the color that represents FREEDOM. The 27 large beads represent the 27 (+) million men, women and children that are trafficked to date. (For more information and current stats you can visit any of the sites listed below.)

Great Sites To Become More Informed:
International Justice Mission,
Not For Sale Campaign,
Free the Slaves,
If you are in Indiana, Sherry Searles is an AWESOME advocate and teacher who puts on "Freedom Parties" helping us to become more aware and equipped with what we can do to help those being trafficked Stateside and Abroad. Check out her facebook here for more info!
1) Leave a comment and letting me know you are "following" My Soul Waits
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3) Send this post in an email (Sorry, my other sharing buttons are not working and I haven't had time to fix them yet!) and leave a comment letting me know you did.
4) Go check out one of the sites listed above and come back and let me know you did!
5) Blog or post about this product or the plight of those trafficked and come back and let me know you did! (If you blog, please leave the link.)
Just one step in helping those in need and those who don't have a voice to be able to stand up for themselves-- AND you can get ready for Christmas! Happy Giveaway!
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