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Weigh-In (Wednesday) er...Thursday!

>> 1.17.2013

Okay...so I've been gone for awhile...trying to get my life "in order".  I'm sure all of you have, too!  Well, I decided that wasn't going to happen before I ever wrote again (I mean, come on, it's never going to happen anyway, right?!) So, I thought I choose blogging over laundry because this quiet time doesn't come often! (Two boys at b-ball practice, the others on the Wii...yes, my substitute babysitter when I just need a LITTLE quiet=)

I have decided to weigh myself in on Wednesday...and YOU all get to "watch" me. Ha-- i'm glad you really don't but I decided to try this type of accountability.  It's not so much being accountable to you, as it is to me.  To keep this thing going THIS time.  I've never written on weight issues on here, I think some may look down their noses at me for doing so-- and that's okay with me.  In the happen chance that it helps me AND someone else, though, I believe that enough-- even if it just helps me!

For my own "notes" I thought I'd start these posts by remembering from whence I came! (Again, for ME!)

  • 2008-- had 4th and final child, topped off at 248 lbs!!!  (I look at those pictures and can.not.believe. what I'd become)
  • 2009-- started a series of "Biggest Loser" challenges with some of my absolute bestEST friends!
  • 2009-2010 -- dropped 50 lbs with hardly a glance over my shoulder (well, I mean, I worked at it but honestly not that much!)
  • 2011-summer 2012 -- bobbled up and down, got used to living in a new location, mostly muscle went to fat and began struggle with constant belly pain =(
  • Summer 2012 -- still struggling with lots of belly pain, I started a 60 day Challenge at a local small-town gym.  I worked HARD with at least 60 minutes of intensive workout (Insanity-type program) and ate REALLY well (spinach, kale, low-carb,etc.) and dropped-- NOT A SINGLE pound!  And, before you go on saying, but inches count! You have to know that I didn't even drop a pant size!  I dropped fat around my knees-- yes, my knees!-- and a little around my waist-- 1 inch to be exact!
  • Fall 2012-- complete frustration.  LOTS of belly pain, LOTS of tests with drs. shaking their heads in wonder...and I added the old habit of drinking Mountain Dew back in...yeah-- that = LOTS OF INCHES back on...and about 2 more lbs.
  • December 2012--  Completed all the tests with the drs. and I'm as healthy as all get out (minus the weight issue) but still have lots of belly pain.  Decide to "self-diagnosis" myself with IBS and check out of the mirey muck of self-pity and DO something, yet again, about this weight!
CURRENT:  Weigh-In Wednesdays!  (I'm only a day late in posting-- I've weighed every Wed. in January!)I'm hoping to weigh in briefly and post it here to HELP MYSELF with motivation.  I'll also track some of my findings about IBS as I'm just learning about what to do/eliminate to start with a clean slate.

1)  Lose 52 lbs. by December 31, 2013-- TOTALLY doable so long as I keep at it
2)  Figure out how to maintain LOW belly pain, as it seems like something I'll be working on for a long time.

Jan. 2nd Weigh-In:  212.8
Jan. 9th Weigh-In:   211.8
Jan.16th Weigh-In:  210.6

I'm right on track! AND, I've dropped the Mt. Dew again, eating a low FODMAPS diet for elimination purposes (IBS stuff I'll post on later), and began working out this week at home-- aiming for 30 min/day.

What about YOU!?  Do you have any weigh related goals?  Share them with me!


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