This House Speaks
>> 10.01.2011
What a disaster this previous month seems to have been! Everywhere I looked these past few weeks there were visual reminders of what I felt was going on in my heart-- cluttered table-tops, laundry baskets full of dirty (and clean-- but unfolded!) clothes, paper and book piles in just about every corner...whew! You know the verse that states, "...Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks?"(Luke 6:45) Well, I think maybe the verse could also be stated, "out of the overflow of the heart, the house speaks."
We've all been here before, discouragement sets in and we don't pay attention to the whisperings of His Spirit and so we go on about our days doing this and doing that and we keep wondering why we feel and overwhelmed. Sometimes we "get it" early on and change our ways, sometimes we don't. Well, after a month of serious disconnectedness (which = overwhelmed-ness, which = discontented-ness, which = self-pity, which = can see how this goes!), I've come back to my understanding that I seem to grasp for oh too short a time and I finally sat down with the Lord this morning. One of my favorite ways to redirect my focus is to sing praises to Jesus while playing the piano. Some times I use the Scriptures to direct my words and some times I use other people's words & music. Last night, in my attempt to straighten some of the piles in my corners, I found a folder of Keith & Kristin Getty's music. These people are truly led by the Spirit when they write music and I often will play their music to comfort my wandr'ing soul so this morning, this is the music I sang and played. I trust God received it as a humble offering from a child of His who was seeking His forgiveness for forgetting how good He truly is to me (to ALL of us!) and I know the praise for Who He is will be honored.
Here are a couple of those songs for you to enjoy.
Momma's Misson of the Month for September: I failed in all accounts! (That's what I get for thinking I was doing so well!!!!)

October's Mission: To love the Lord through spending time with Him in the Word and allowing His presence to be my focus throughout the daily tasks I have at hand.
Kristen! Thank you SOOOOO much for this post! I NEEDED to read this!!!
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